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Primary Contacts in Companies

How BeeCastle identifies the primary contact in a company or customer organisation

Hamish Rickerby avatar
Written by Hamish Rickerby
Updated over 12 months ago

Identification of the primary contact within a company or customer can help an account manager or sales rep understand who to speak to in an organisation, or the key person to maintain a relationship with. BeeCastle relies on PSA data to determine who the primary contact within an organisation is, and this article describes how that is done.


BeeCastle synchronises the Primary Contact from the Company record.

To set this field, navigate to the contact you wish to set as the primary contact, Edit, and check the Primary Contact box. This will overwrite any existing primary contact setting, as Autotask supports one primary contact per company.

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BeeCastle synchronises the Primary Contact from the Company Record. To set this, navigate to the Company you wish to change the primary contact for, and select a contact from the company using the drop-down list picker.


We are currently developing the Primary Contact sync functionality for HaloPSA. Please get in touch at if you would like to discuss this.

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