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Why does BeeCastle need access to 365 calendar, email & outlook?
Why does BeeCastle need access to 365 calendar, email & outlook?
Hamish Rickerby avatar
Written by Hamish Rickerby
Updated over a year ago

BeeCastle uses Microsoft 365 integration to automatically analyse & record the email, calendar & calling touchpoints you have with the contacts you have in the BeeCastle platform.

Our user-based OAuth integration with Microsoft 365 automatically records email & calendar events against contact records. This record does not include body content – instead we only record where, when & with whom.

To enable this, our 365 integration requests for each user that authorises integration:

  • Read access to email: so we can record those email records against contacts. We only record emails to contacts within the system

  • Read access to calendar: so we can record those calendar records against contacts. We only record emails to contacts within the system

  • Contacts & profile: to automatically pre-fill the contact record when a user wants to manually add a contact

We do not ask for tenant-wide Account permissions for email, calendar, contacts & profile. Each user must provide permission separately.

If you would like to integrate Microsoft Direct Routing interactions, you will need to provide read-only tenant wide permission/access for Microsoft Teams Routing call information through Microsoft AAD.

Given all of our permission set for BeeCastle is read-only we cannot change information stored in M365.

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